May 20, 2012

I'll post a draw for once...

Even though I have much to learn about drawing, I'll post a draw here, for no reason. It's a character from my comedy game, he is a half-orc (his father was human and his mother was a orc). He has a very hard time with the other orcs and his dream is to become a part of the orc allegiance. But because he is a half-blooded, it is not possible. By the way, his name is BALBINO. Hope you like it.

May 16, 2012

Nice Cave Sets

These are two cool sets I draw this afternoon. One is a small entrance for a cave and the other it's an ancient DWEMER golden door to recreate ancient and lost temples. Hope you like it.

May 6, 2012

Shelves with Glass (includes .psd)

These are glass shelves edited from the RTP. The idea came from the beautiful tilesets of Lunarea! These shelves make the shops and houses more attractive. 

I also included a .psd  file so you can edit the shelves with your own objects!

The Arcane Enchanter Table

Ready to enchant your own forged weapons? These sets are at your service. They can recreate alchemy and witchcraft scenarios. And of course, the sets were based on the original arcane enchanter table from Skyrim (best game ever btw). Hope you like these...

Reference image:

Charset with Add-Ons

Just some small edits I was needing for a project. Might be useful to someone. It is in the charset format, so it's ready to use!

Screenshots... screenshots...

These are screenshots from a project I'm currently working on. It shows you some of the things you can accomplish with the Pack of Tilesets and the forge sets... I would like to know what do you think of them. Thanks!