May 29, 2024

Cacildes Adventure: Expanding the combat and the Mimic Chest

Couple of new additions to the next update of the game!

Enemies can now follow-up attacks with more combos. Before, they could follow-up any attack with an additional combo, but now it's 3 or even 4 attacks in a row!

Also working on some new enemies for the Sunkenland expansion (coming this summer). Take a look at the mimic chest!


May 27, 2024

Cacildes Adventure - 20% off on Steam this week!

20% off on Steam this week! Check it out :-D

Man, it's been a while! My game has been released to Steam this April and I didn't even post about it here on the blog, so I'm doing it now.

It's currently 20% off on steam, and it's been getting better with each weekly update. For every bug I fix, I try to add some new weapon or spell or something new to the game. I think it's going to be like that for a while, but I have plans for a small expansion this summer. Anyway, do check it out! It plays great on the steam deck as well. ;)